
Vacation Care Program
Fill In your child’s school holiday with excitement, fun, and activity. Morley OSC is open this school holiday from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm. Enrol your child today so they participate in our fun-filled program. With a variety of activities, including incursions, excursions, and more. Our latest Morley Out of School Care Program can be accessed here. To enrol in one of our Out of School Care Centres, please go to We look forward to seeing you.

Free Computer Classes
If you’d like to improve your computer skills, then you’re welcome to come join us at The DEN in our weekly free Computer Classes. You can bring your own laptop, or work on one of ours. The classes run every Tuesday at 12:00-1:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

This awesome free workshop run at one of our centres Derrick Ernst Neighbourhood Centre “THE DEN”
This workshop is for parents of primary school-aged children. Protective Behaviours is a personal safety program that teaches children skills and strategies to recognise and respond to unsafe situations. This workshop is facilitated by Midvale Hub Parenting Service